2024 ISN Scientific Writing Course, 將由學會與ISN合辦,首次於東北亞區舉辦,本課程邀請經驗豐富的國際學者,以小班教學/一對一指導方式進行論文寫作指導,名額有限,歡迎有興趣的會員報名申請


◼️課程:2024 ISN Scientific Writing Course

1. ISN會員
2. speak and write English fluently (英文流利)
3. within 5 years or less of their last doctoral degree (腎專完訓五年內年輕醫師)
4. work predominantly in clinical research (i.e. health research requiring approval from a human ethics board)
have manuscript(s) published in a peer-reviewed journal, or who have other indicators of high potential in clinical research (參與臨床研究, 曾有論文發表, 或具研究潛力者)
5. have an active research project at an advanced stage (參與研究計畫已有相當進度, 或正在撰寫相關論文)
6. are demonstrably motivated to improve their scientific writing skills (具備學習論文寫作技巧之動機)